Sleep Habits How to Help Your Child Establish Healthy

Sleeping is one of the basic needs for a human being. Sleep especially is one of the most important things in the life of every child; it is very necessary for the development of mental and physical abilities. However, as many parents know, getting your child to go to bed and stay asleep can sometimes be a challenge.
At Followcure, we understand the struggles many parents face and have compiled a list of helpful tips to guide you in establishing healthy sleep habits for your child.

Understanding Your Child’s Sleep Needs

How to Help Your Child Establish Healthy Sleep Habits

Every child is different, but they all do have specific rest needs at various ages. For example, infants require around 14 to 17 hours of sleep in a day, while teenagers require about 8 to 10 hours of rest. A small amount of rest can really make your child be very irritable and affect his or her concentration during the day. Make sure your child does not go rest deprived. Look for signs such as difficulty in waking up in the morning, moodiness, or a drop in school performance, as these may indicate that the child is not getting enough rest.

Establish Regular Bedtime Schedule

How to Help Your Child Establish Healthy Sleep Habits

You are likely to be much more successful with a consistent bedtime routine. Having a predictable routine helps signal to your child’s body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for Rest. Start your bedtime routine at the same time each evening to help set your child’s internal clock.
A good bedtime routine is going to be some calming activities, like reading a book together, having a warm bath, or listening to soft music. These activities will be relaxing and free from any excitement or stimulation.

Creating the perfect sleeping environment

How to Help Your Child Establish Healthy Sleep Habits

The environment can really affect your child’s rest. A dark, cool, and quiet room is ideal for the child to Restt in. You can purchase blackout curtains and white noise machines in the room in order to block those disturbing sounds. Make sure that your child’s bed is always comfortable, with appropriate bedding according to the season. The mattress and the pillows have to support his or her body well, because for the good and restful Rest of your child, comfort is predominant.

Managing Screen Time Before Bed

How to Help Your Child Establish Healthy Sleep Habits

Some screens produce certain kinds of light that can really mess with your child’s melatonin production—the hormone that regulates sleep. For your kids to properly wind down, at least an hour before bed, pare down screen time, including TV, tablets, and cell phones. Instead, perhaps persuade the individual to read a novel or do something else that makes them feel at ease.

Afternoon activities

How to Help Your Child Establish Healthy Sleep Habits

Physical activity is not only great for overall health but also may help your child rest better at night. Timing is key, though: Encourage activity in the early afternoon or late morning. Exercise too close to bedtime can be overly stimulating, making it even harder for children to wind down. Plan fun activities that are age-appropriate, such as bike-riding, swimming, or even just some playing at the park, so that your child gets to expend his or her energy in a healthy, fun.

Dealing with Common Rest Disruptions

How to Help Your Child Establish Healthy Sleep Habits


Fears such as darkness or monsters under the bed are equally disturbing for the child in his sleep. Reassure and quietly discuss his fears with him. Sometimes a nightlight or favorite object can provide some help.

If your child does wake often during the night, try to keep the atmosphere calm and quiet. Minimize talking and keep lights dim to help them return to Rest. Chronic sleep problems might need checking with a pediatrician to rule out any underlying problems.

Teaching Children the Value of Sleep

How to Help Your Child Establish Healthy Sleep Habits

You could also help your child realize just why it is necessary that he sle-eps. Make him realize that sleeping helps a person become strong and keeps him healthy and happy, too. This would make the child willing to Rest without any hassles.

Parents have to be very patient and consistent in establishing healthy Rest patterns in children. The children are likely to take up good Rest patterns throughout their lifetime if the following tips and establishment of a good sleeping environment are put into practice.
Each child is unique, and strategies effective for one may not suit another. Be flexible, but patient. If concerned about your child’s Rest habits, do not hesitate to call a professional.

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